
Student profile: Jo Chaloner-Warman

Jo Chaloner-Warman completed his Masters in Civil Engineering in 2013 and now works for Watercare Services Ltd. as a Dam Engineer

“I grew up fly-fishing on rivers throughout the central North Island. Ever since I was young, I dreamt of the possibility of ending up working or studying something to do with rivers. During my years of research, I pinched myself on numerous occasions realising that I had actually managed to pull this off.

“My research used novel techniques and technology to model natural processes. This was an interesting experience and one which will continue to develop and expand significantly in the not too distant future.

“This field has inspired me since I was young and was a real privilege. My first supervisor (the late Stephen Coleman), instilled a real passion in me for intellectualising a field which had been solely recreational for me up until then.

Research in the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory

“The ingenuity and the ability of all the staff was inspiring. The facilities are world-class. Knowing you are working in an environment where some world-class research has been undertaken was amazing.

“The possibilities within the lab are almost endless – the technicians and supervisors help you develop any idea or problem into a model, which was truly astonishing! I was blown away by the help and support I received throughout the course of my masters.

“Heide Friedrich was amazing as a supervisor after my first supervisor passed away. Her desire to see me succeed was a real driving force in me completing my thesis, and getting first class masters, in what was a really trying year,” Joseph explains.

Working at Watercare Services Ltd.

Since completing his Masters in Civil Engineering, Joseph has gone on to work in a job he thoroughly enjoys, and believes it was the masters programme that put him ahead of other graduates. He’s now a Dam Engineer at Watercare Services Ltd.

“I still work in and around the water and rivers, which aligns with everything I had been brought up loving and protecting. The knowledge that you are attending a world-class university and your degree will carry weight around professional circles. Having a Masters in Civil Engineering really helped potential employers separate me from the other engineering graduates,” he says.

“I was sponsored via a research grant from the Hawkes Bay Regional Council. This allowed me freedom to not worry about any financial concerns. This paid for my studies and allowed me to form relationships with people in the river and water resources area,” he says.

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